Volunteer Opportunites
Block Captains – Critical Need
Friends of Royal Lake (FORL) Trail Maintenance Volunteers: Every three months, the FORL or organizes a morning when neighborhood volunteers work to improve problem areas on the trails around Royal Lake. Current Newsletter
Contact: friendsofroyallake@gmail.com and sarahgjlennon@gmail.com
Sign Posting: 30 minutes per month. KPWCA maintains three signs that serve to keep KPW residents informed of community activities. We have a team for each sign and would like to add a member to each team. Responsibility is to post announcements provided by the KWPCA Board periodically throughout the year. Contact: Boardmember1@gmail.com
Parks & Lake Volunteers: A few hours per month in the months leading up to the April and October clean-ups. We are looking for 3-5 motivated members to help plan and organize twice-a-year park/lake clean-ups. Please contact KPWRoadRaiders@gmail.com.
Neighbor Assist Volunteers: As needed. Looking for friendly callers (a great way to volunteer without having to leave your home), computer experts to provide IT assistance, and handyman volunteers, independent of KPWCA – Contact Bruce Wallachy at kpwneighborassist@gmail.com.
Road Raiders: 30 minutes per month. Performs common area clean-up around neighborhood once per month early Saturday mornings. Please contact KPWRoadRaiders@gmail.com.
Invasive Management Area: 3 hours a few times per year. Send an email to Greg Sykes greg@grsykes.com and ask to be on the volunteer distribution list.