Block Captains


The Kings Park West (KPW) Civic Association (KPWCA), as its name indicates, is a civic association serving the KPW community.  It is not a Homeowners Association, or HOA, (that is the KPW Community Association).  Rather the KPWCA is a completely volunteer-powered organization focused on enhancing our community and life in KPW. Volunteers make possible the many KPWCA events including dumpster days, community yard sales, the Directory, Fall/Halloween and Spring festivals, park clean-ups, scholarships, message boards, and common area maintenance. KPWCA is led by a small group of dedicated neighbors – eight Executive Board members, plus a handful of standing Committee chairs (e.g. Membership, Parks & Lake) and others who take on activities such as the Fall/Halloween Festival and Spring Egg Hunt.

Vital to the success of the KPWCA is our team of Block Captains.  We like to think of them as KPWCA Ambassadors who provide the link between the Civic Association and the greater KPW community. Their primary task is to provide information about the KPWCA to neighbors, including provision of KPWCA membership forms and collection of dues. This is done each fall.

KPWCA is in dire need of additional Block Captains.  KPW is divided into 99 blocks with one Captain per block and currently there are Eighteen Vacancies. Over the years, some Block Captains have taken on more than one block. We need some new blood for this vital community link.  It is a great way to get to know some new neighbors and the community.

The Blocks that Need Captains Are:

Commonwealth Blvd. 9620-9628
Thackery Ct. 5108-5120
Guinea Rd. – All
Pommeroy Dr. 5301-5305 odd
Chatsworth Ct. – All
Pommeroy Dr. 5302-5304 even
Coleridge Dr. 5078-5091
Commonwealth Blvd. 9805-9807
Cove Rd. 4921-4925 odd
Commonwealth Blvd. 9813-990923
Gainsborough Dr. 5315-533530
Enford Ct. – All
Stonington Dr. 5304-5325
Eastlake Dr. 10100-10110
Latimer Ct. – All
Eastlake Dr. 10000-10006
Ellington Ct. – All
Commonweatlh Blvd. 9928-9934 even,
Swinton Dr. 5017-5035
Wycliff Ln. 4900-4902
Chantery Ct. – All
Wavell Rd. 10172-10189
Swinton Dr. 4951-4965
Wheatstone Dr. 4893-4898
Cascade Ln. – All
Gainsborough Dr. 4923-4940
Commonwealth Blvd. 10208-10214 even
Pumphrey Dr. 5261-5278
Collingham Dr. 10426-1045085
Commonwealth 10317, 10319-1034086
Vertain Ct. 9801, 9807-9011100

Please consider joining the KPWCA team as a Block Captain. It’s easy to join. Just email the membership chair at the address. We’d love to have you work with us!